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// © 2024 Long Ly. All rights reserved. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of this trademark is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action.
#pragma once
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "Components/GameFrameworkInitStateInterface.h"
#include "Components/PawnComponent.h"
#include "OLSPawnExtensionComponent.generated.h"
DECLARE_LOG_CATEGORY_EXTERN(LogOLSPawnExtensionComponent, Verbose, All);
namespace EEndPlayReason { enum Type : int; }
* Component that adds functionality to all Pawn classes so it can be used for characters/vehicles/etc.
* This coordinates the initialization of other components.
class OLS_API UOLSPawnExtensionComponent : public UPawnComponent, public IGameFrameworkInitStateInterface
// Sets default values for this component's properties
UOLSPawnExtensionComponent(const FObjectInitializer& objectInitializer);
/** The name of this overall feature, this one depends on the other named component features */
static const FName NAME_ActorFeatureName;
//~ Begin UActorComponent interface
virtual void GetLifetimeReplicatedProps(TArray<FLifetimeProperty>& OutLifetimeProps) const override;
//~ End UActorComponent interface
//~ Begin IGameFrameworkInitStateInterface interface
virtual FName GetFeatureName() const override;
virtual bool CanChangeInitState(UGameFrameworkComponentManager* manager, FGameplayTag currentState, FGameplayTag desiredState) const override;
virtual void HandleChangeInitState(UGameFrameworkComponentManager* manager, FGameplayTag currentState, FGameplayTag desiredState) override;
virtual void OnActorInitStateChanged(const FActorInitStateChangedParams& Params) override;
virtual void CheckDefaultInitialization() override;
//~ End IGameFrameworkInitStateInterface interface
/** Returns the pawn extension component if one exists on the specified actor. */
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "OLS|Pawn")
static class UOLSPawnExtensionComponent* FindPawnExtensionComponent(const AActor* actor);
/** Gets the current ability system component, which may be owned by a different actor */
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "OLS|Pawn")
class UOLSAbilitySystemComponent* GetOLSAbilitySystemComponent() const ;
/** Gets the pawn data, which is used to specify pawn properties in data */
template <class T>
const T* GetPawnData() const { return Cast<T>(PawnData); }
/** Sets the current pawn data */
void SetPawnData(const class UOLSPawnDataAsset* pawnData);
/** Should be called by the owning pawn to become the avatar of the ability system. */
void InitializeAbilitySystem(class UOLSAbilitySystemComponent* asc, AActor* ownerActor);
/** Should be called by the owning pawn to remove itself as the avatar of the ability system. */
void UninitializeAbilitySystem();
/** Should be called by the owning pawn when the pawn's controller changes. */
void HandleControllerChanged();
/** Should be called by the owning pawn when the player state has been replicated. */
void HandlePlayerStateReplicated();
/** Should be called by the owning pawn when the input component is setup. */
void SetupPlayerInputComponent();
/** Register with the OnAbilitySystemInitialized delegate and broadcast if our pawn has been registered with the ability system component */
void OnAbilitySystemInitialized_RegisterAndCall(FSimpleMulticastDelegate::FDelegate delegate);
/** Register with the OnAbilitySystemUninitialized delegate fired when our pawn is removed as the ability system's avatar actor */
void OnAbilitySystemUninitialized_Register(FSimpleMulticastDelegate::FDelegate delegate);
void OnRep_PawnData();
/** Delegate fired when our pawn becomes the ability system's avatar actor */
FSimpleMulticastDelegate OnAbilitySystemInitialized;
/** Delegate fired when our pawn is removed as the ability system's avatar actor */
FSimpleMulticastDelegate OnAbilitySystemUninitialized;
/** Pawn data used to create the pawn. Specified from a spawn function or on a placed instance. */
UPROPERTY(EditInstanceOnly, ReplicatedUsing = OnRep_PawnData, Category = "Lyra|Pawn")
TObjectPtr<const class UOLSPawnDataAsset> PawnData = nullptr;
/** Pointer to the ability system component that is cached for convenience. */
TObjectPtr<class UOLSAbilitySystemComponent > AbilitySystemComponent = nullptr;