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2024-09-22 21:11:19 +00:00
// © 2024 Long Ly. All rights reserved. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of this trademark is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action.
#pragma once
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "SequenceEvaluatorLibrary.h"
2024-09-22 21:11:19 +00:00
#include "Data/OLSEnumLibrary.h"
#include "Kismet/BlueprintFunctionLibrary.h"
#include "OLSLocomotionBPLibrary.generated.h"
class OLSANIMATION_API UOLSLocomotionBPLibrary : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "OLS|Function Library", meta=(BlueprintThreadSafe))
static float FindPivotTime(const UAnimSequenceBase* animSequence, const float sampleRate);
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "OLS|Function Library", meta=(BlueprintThreadSafe))
static float GetCurveValueAtTime(const UAnimSequenceBase* animSequence, const float time, const FName& curveName);
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "OLS|Function Library", meta=(BlueprintThreadSafe))
static float GetTimeAtDistance(const UAnimSequenceBase* animSequence, const float& distance, FName curveName);
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "OLS|Function Library", meta=(BlueprintThreadSafe))
static float GetDistanceRange(const UAnimSequenceBase* animSequence, const FName& curveName);
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "OLS|Function Library", meta=(BlueprintThreadSafe))
static float GetTimeAfterDistanceTraveled(const UAnimSequenceBase* animSequence,
float currentTime,
float distanceTraveled,
FName curveName,
const bool shouldAllowLooping);
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "OLS|Function Library", meta=(BlueprintThreadSafe))
static FSequenceEvaluatorReference AdvanceTimeByDistanceMatching(float& outDesiredPlayRate,
const FAnimUpdateContext& updateContext,
const FSequenceEvaluatorReference& sequenceEvaluator,
const float distanceTraveled,
const FName curveName,
const FVector2D playRateClamp = FVector2D(0.75f, 1.25f));
* Adjusts the playback time of an animation sequence to match a specified distance to a target.
* This function ensures that the animation sequence progresses or adjusts its time based on the distance to a target.
* It uses a distance curve to determine the appropriate time within the animation sequence that corresponds to the desired distance.
* @param updateContext The context for the current animation update, providing necessary time and state information.
* @param sequenceEvaluator A reference to the sequence evaluator, which controls and tracks the animation sequence being played.
* @param distanceToTarget The distance to the target that the animation should match.
* Typically, negative values indicate distance curves storing negative distance.
* @param shouldDistanceMatchStop If true, the distance matching stops once the character reaches the target or passes the threshold.
* @param stopDistanceThreshHold The distance threshold at which distance matching should stop.
* If the evaluated distance curve value exceeds this threshold, distance matching will halt.
* @param animEndTime The end time of the animation sequence. If greater than 0, the sequence will not advance past this time.
* @param curveName The name of the curve within the animation sequence that stores distance information.
* This curve is evaluated to determine the time corresponding to the distance to the target.
* @return An updated sequence evaluator reference, reflecting the adjusted or advanced animation time.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "OLS|Function Library", meta=(BlueprintThreadSafe))
static FSequenceEvaluatorReference DistanceMatchToTarget(const FAnimUpdateContext& updateContext,
const FSequenceEvaluatorReference& sequenceEvaluator,
float distanceToTarget,
bool shouldDistanceMatchStop, float stopDistanceThreshHold,
float animEndTime,
FName curveName);
* Set the play rate of the sequence player so that the speed of the animation matches in-game movement speed.
* While distance matching is commonly used for transition animations, cycle animations (walk, jog, etc) typically just adjust their play rate to match
* the in-game movement speed.
* This function assumes that the animation has a constant speed.
* @param sequencePlayer - The sequence player node to operate on.
* @param speedToMatch - The in-game movement speed to match. This is usually the current speed of the movement component.
* @param playRateClamp - A clamp on how much the animation's play rate can change to match the in-game movement speed. Set to (0,0) for no clamping.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "OLS|Function Library", meta=(BlueprintThreadSafe))
static FSequencePlayerReference SetPlayRateToMatchSpeed(const FSequencePlayerReference& sequencePlayer,
float speedToMatch, FVector2D playRateClamp = FVector2D(0.75f, 1.25f));
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* Predict where the character will stop based on its current movement properties and parameters from the movement component.
* This uses prediction logic that is heavily tied to the UCharacterMovementComponent.
* Each parameter corresponds to a value from the UCharacterMovementComponent with the same name.
* Because this is a thread safe function, it's recommended to populate these fields via the Property Access system.
* @return The predicted stop position in local space to the character. The size of this vector will be the distance to the stop location.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, BlueprintPure, Category = "OLS|Function Library", meta=(BlueprintThreadSafe))
static FVector PredictGroundMovementStopLocation(const FVector& velocity, bool shouldUseSeparateBrakingFriction,
float brakingFriction, float groundFriction,
float brakingFrictionFactor, float brakingDecelerationWalking);
* Predict where the character will change direction during a pivot based on its current movement properties and parameters from the movement component.
* This uses prediction logic that is heavily tied to the UCharacterMovementComponent.
* Each parameter corresponds to a value from the UCharacterMovementComponent with the same name.
* Because this is a thread safe function, it's recommended to populate these fields via the Property Access system.
* @return The predicted pivot position in local space to the character. The size of this vector will be the distance to the pivot.
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UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, BlueprintPure, Category = "OLS|Function Library", meta=(BlueprintThreadSafe))
static FVector PredictGroundMovementPivotLocation(const FVector& acceleration, const FVector& velocity,
float groundFriction);
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable,BlueprintPure,Category = "OLS|Function Library",meta=(BlueprintThreadSafe))
static EOLSCardinalDirection SelectCardinalDirectionFromAngle(float angle, float deadZone, EOLSCardinalDirection currentDirection, bool useCurrentDirection = false);
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable,BlueprintPure,Category = "OLS|Function Library",meta=(BlueprintThreadSafe))
static EOLSCardinalDirection GetOppositeCardinalDirectional(EOLSCardinalDirection currentDirection);
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable,BlueprintPure,Category = "OLS|Function Library",meta=(BlueprintThreadSafe))
static EOLSHipDirection GetOppositeHipDirection(EOLSHipDirection currentHipDirection);
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "OLS|Function Library")
static void TryLinkAnimLayer(USkeletalMeshComponent* mesh, TSubclassOf<UAnimInstance> animClass, FName groupName, bool shouldUnlinkGroupIfInvalid);