Removed all override functions from Epic

This commit is contained in:
LongLy 2024-11-29 12:39:30 -07:00
parent 13a40a643d
commit 049cf53980
5 changed files with 3 additions and 666 deletions

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
/Engine=C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.5/Engine/Shaders /Engine=C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.5/Engine/Shaders
/ShaderAutogen=H:/Projects/OLS/Intermediate/ShaderAutogen /ShaderAutogen=H:/Projects/OLS/Intermediate/ShaderAutogen
/NFORDenoise=C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.5/Engine/Plugins/Experimental/NFORDenoise/Shaders /NFORDenoise=C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.5/Engine/Plugins/Experimental/NFORDenoise/Shaders
/Plugin/ComputeFramework=C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.5/Engine/Plugins/Runtime/ComputeFramework/Shaders /NNEDenoiserShaders=C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.5/Engine/Plugins/NNE/NNEDenoiser/Shaders
/Plugin/Runtime/HairStrands=C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.5/Engine/Plugins/Runtime/HairStrands/Shaders
/Plugin/GLTFExporter=C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.5/Engine/Plugins/Enterprise/GLTFExporter/Shaders /Plugin/GLTFExporter=C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.5/Engine/Plugins/Enterprise/GLTFExporter/Shaders
/Plugin/FX/Niagara=C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.5/Engine/Plugins/FX/Niagara/Shaders /Plugin/FX/Niagara=C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.5/Engine/Plugins/FX/Niagara/Shaders
/Plugin/ExrReaderShaders=C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.5/Engine/Plugins/Media/ImgMedia/Shaders /Plugin/ExrReaderShaders=C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.5/Engine/Plugins/Media/ImgMedia/Shaders
/Plugin/WmfMedia=C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.5/Engine/Plugins/Media/WmfMedia/Shaders /Plugin/WmfMedia=C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.5/Engine/Plugins/Media/WmfMedia/Shaders
/NNEDenoiserShaders=C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.5/Engine/Plugins/NNE/NNEDenoiser/Shaders /Plugin/Runtime/HairStrands=C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.5/Engine/Plugins/Runtime/HairStrands/Shaders
/Plugin/ComputeFramework=C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.5/Engine/Plugins/Runtime/ComputeFramework/Shaders
/Plugin/HoldoutComposite=C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.5/Engine/Plugins/Experimental/Compositing/HoldoutComposite/Shaders /Plugin/HoldoutComposite=C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.5/Engine/Plugins/Experimental/Compositing/HoldoutComposite/Shaders
/Plugin/Optimus=C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.5/Engine/Plugins/Animation/DeformerGraph/Shaders /Plugin/Optimus=C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.5/Engine/Plugins/Animation/DeformerGraph/Shaders
/Plugin/Experimental/ChaosNiagara=C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.5/Engine/Plugins/Experimental/ChaosNiagara/Shaders /Plugin/Experimental/ChaosNiagara=C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.5/Engine/Plugins/Experimental/ChaosNiagara/Shaders

View File

@ -3,501 +3,8 @@
#include "Libraries/OLSLocomotionBPLibrary.h" #include "Libraries/OLSLocomotionBPLibrary.h"
#include "SequencePlayerLibrary.h"
#include "Animation/AnimCurveCompressionCodec_UniformIndexable.h"
#include "Animation/AnimNode_SequencePlayer.h"
#include "AnimNodes/AnimNode_SequenceEvaluator.h"
DEFINE_LOG_CATEGORY_STATIC(LogOLSLocomotionLibrary, Verbose, All); DEFINE_LOG_CATEGORY_STATIC(LogOLSLocomotionLibrary, Verbose, All);
float UOLSLocomotionBPLibrary::FindPivotTime(const UAnimSequenceBase* animSequence, const float sampleRate)
if (animSequence)
const float animLength = animSequence->GetPlayLength(); // Get the total duration of the animation sequence.
const float sampleDeltaTime = 1 / sampleRate; // Calculate the time interval between each sample based on the sample rate.
float currentAnimTime = 0.f; // Initialize the current animation time.
float lastTime = 0.f; // Store the last sampled time.
float nextTime = currentAnimTime + sampleDeltaTime; // Calculate the next time point for sampling.
// Extract and normalize the initial root motion translation vector.
FVector currentLocation = animSequence->ExtractRootMotionFromRange(currentAnimTime, nextTime)
while (nextTime < animLength) // Loop through the animation until the end.
// Extract the current rotation based on the root motion from the start to the current time.
const FRotator currentRotation = animSequence->ExtractRootMotionFromRange(0.0f, currentAnimTime)
// Apply the current rotation to the translation vector and normalize.
const FVector lastLocation = currentRotation.RotateVector(
animSequence->ExtractRootMotionFromRange(currentAnimTime, nextTime)
// Detect a pivot point if the dot product is negative (indicating a direction change).
if ((currentLocation.Dot(lastLocation) < 0 && currentLocation.SquaredLength() > 0) ||
(FMath::IsNearlyZero(lastLocation.SquaredLength()) && currentLocation.SquaredLength() > 0))
return currentAnimTime; // Return the detected pivot time.
// Handle the case where the current location length is nearly zero.
if (FMath::IsNearlyZero(currentLocation.Length()))
currentLocation = lastLocation; // Update the current location for the next iteration.
// Advance to the next sample time, clamping to ensure it doesn't exceed the animation length.
lastTime = FMath::Clamp(lastTime + sampleDeltaTime, 0.0f, animLength);
currentAnimTime = FMath::Clamp(currentAnimTime + sampleDeltaTime, 0.0f, animLength);
nextTime = FMath::Clamp(nextTime + sampleDeltaTime, 0.0f, animLength);
return 0.f; // Return 0 if no pivot is detected or if the input animation sequence is invalid.
float UOLSLocomotionBPLibrary::GetCurveValueAtTime(const UAnimSequenceBase* animSequence,
const float time,
const FName& curveName)
// Initialize buffer access for the specified curve in the given animation sequence.
FAnimCurveBufferAccess bufferCurveAccess(animSequence, curveName);
// Validate that the curve data is accessible.
if (bufferCurveAccess.IsValid())
// Clamp the time to ensure it's within the valid range of the animation length.
const float clampedTime = FMath::Clamp(time, 0.f, animSequence->GetPlayLength());
// Ensure the animation has at least 3 sampled keys for evaluation (2 keys are needed for interpolation).
if (animSequence->GetNumberOfSampledKeys() > 2)
// Evaluate the curve data at the specified time and return the result.
return animSequence->EvaluateCurveData(curveName, clampedTime);
// Return 0 if the curve is invalid or the animation has insufficient sampled keys.
return 0.f;
float UOLSLocomotionBPLibrary::GetTimeAtCurveValue(const UAnimSequenceBase* animSequence,
const float& curveValue, FName curveName)
// Initialize buffer access for the specified curve in the given animation sequence.
FAnimCurveBufferAccess bufferCurveAccess(animSequence, curveName);
// Validate the curve data.
if (bufferCurveAccess.IsValid())
const int32 numKeys = bufferCurveAccess.GetNumSamples(); // Retrieve the total number of keyframes/samples.
// Ensure there are at least two keyframes for interpolation.
if (numKeys < 2)
return 0.f; // Return 0 if not enough data points.
// Initialize binary search variables.
int32 first = 1; // Start at the second keyframe.
int32 last = numKeys - 1; // Index of the last keyframe.
int32 count = last - first; // Number of keyframes to search through.
// Perform a binary search to locate the interval containing the curve value.
while (count > 0)
int32 step = count / 2; // Calculate the midpoint step.
int32 middle = first + step; // Determine the middle keyframe.
// Adjust the search range based on the target curve value.
if (curveValue > bufferCurveAccess.GetValue(middle))
first = middle + 1; // Move the search to the right half.
count -= step + 1; // Update the remaining count.
count = step; // Narrow the search to the left half.
// Retrieve values at the keyframes surrounding the target value.
const float keyAValue = bufferCurveAccess.GetValue(first - 1);
const float keyBValue = bufferCurveAccess.GetValue(first);
const float diff = keyBValue - keyAValue; // Calculate the difference between the values.
// Calculate the interpolation factor (alpha) based on the target value.
const float alpha = !FMath::IsNearlyZero(diff) ? ((curveValue - keyAValue) / diff) : 0.f;
// Retrieve the corresponding times for the surrounding keyframes.
const float keyATime = bufferCurveAccess.GetTime(first - 1);
const float keyBTime = bufferCurveAccess.GetTime(first);
// Linearly interpolate between the keyframe times to estimate the target time.
return FMath::Lerp(keyATime, keyBTime, alpha);
return 0.f; // Return 0 if the curve is invalid or the target value is not found.
float UOLSLocomotionBPLibrary::GetCurveValuesRange(const UAnimSequenceBase* animSequence, const FName& curveName)
// Initialize a buffer to access the curve data within the specified animation sequence.
FAnimCurveBufferAccess bufferCurveAccess(animSequence, curveName);
// Check if the curve data is valid and accessible.
if (bufferCurveAccess.IsValid())
const int32 numSamples = bufferCurveAccess.GetNumSamples(); // Get the total number of samples in the curve.
// Ensure there are at least two samples to calculate a meaningful range.
if (numSamples >= 2)
// Calculate the range by subtracting the first sample value from the last sample value.
return (bufferCurveAccess.GetValue(numSamples - 1) - bufferCurveAccess.GetValue(0));
return 0.f; // Return 0 if the curve is invalid or does not have enough data points.
float UOLSLocomotionBPLibrary::GetTimeAfterDistanceTraveled(const UAnimSequenceBase* animSequence,
float currentTime,
float distanceTraveled, FName curveName,
const bool shouldAllowLooping)
float newTime = currentTime;
if (animSequence)
// Avoid infinite loops if the animation doesn't cover any distance.
if (!FMath::IsNearlyZero(GetCurveValuesRange(animSequence, curveName)))
float accumulatedDistance = 0.f;
const float sequenceLength = animSequence->GetPlayLength();
constexpr float stepTime = 1.f / 30.f;
// Distance Matching expects the distance curve on the animation to increase monotonically. If the curve fails to increase in value
// after a certain number of iterations, we abandon the algorithm to avoid an infinite loop.
// Traverse the distance curve, accumulating animated distance until the desired distance is reached.
while ((accumulatedDistance < distanceTraveled) && (shouldAllowLooping || (newTime + stepTime < sequenceLength)))
const float currentDistance = GetCurveValueAtTime(animSequence, newTime, curveName);
const float distanceAfterStep = GetCurveValueAtTime(animSequence, newTime + stepTime, curveName);
const float animationDistanceThisStep = distanceAfterStep - currentDistance;
if (!FMath::IsNearlyZero(animationDistanceThisStep))
// Keep advancing if the desired distance hasn't been reached.
if (accumulatedDistance + animationDistanceThisStep < distanceTraveled)
FAnimationRuntime::AdvanceTime(shouldAllowLooping, stepTime, newTime, sequenceLength);
accumulatedDistance += animationDistanceThisStep;
// Once the desired distance is passed, find the approximate time between samples where the distance will be reached.
const float DistanceAlpha = (distanceTraveled - accumulatedDistance) / animationDistanceThisStep;
FAnimationRuntime::AdvanceTime(shouldAllowLooping, DistanceAlpha * stepTime, newTime, sequenceLength);
FAnimationRuntime::AdvanceTime(shouldAllowLooping, stepTime, newTime, sequenceLength);
UE_LOG(LogOLSLocomotionLibrary, Warning,
"Anim sequence (%s) is missing a distance curve or doesn't cover enough distance for GetTimeAfterDistanceTraveled."
), *GetNameSafe(animSequence));
UE_LOG(LogOLSLocomotionLibrary, Warning, TEXT("Invalid AnimSequence passed to GetTimeAfterDistanceTraveled"));
return newTime;
FSequenceEvaluatorReference UOLSLocomotionBPLibrary::AdvanceTimeByDistanceMatching(float& outDesiredPlayRate,
const FAnimUpdateContext& updateContext,
const FSequenceEvaluatorReference& sequenceEvaluator,
const float distanceTraveled,
const FName curveName,
const FVector2D playRateClamp /* = FVector2D(0.75f, 1.25f)*/)
[&outDesiredPlayRate, updateContext, distanceTraveled, curveName, playRateClamp](
FAnimNode_SequenceEvaluator& inSequenceEvaluator)
if (const FAnimationUpdateContext* animationUpdateContext = updateContext.GetContext())
const float deltaTime = animationUpdateContext->GetDeltaTime();
if (deltaTime > 0 && distanceTraveled > 0)
if (const UAnimSequenceBase* animSequence = inSequenceEvaluator.GetSequence())
const float currentTime = inSequenceEvaluator.GetExplicitTime();
const float currentAssetLength = inSequenceEvaluator.GetCurrentAssetLength();
const bool shouldAllowLooping = inSequenceEvaluator.IsLooping();
float timeAfterDistanceTraveled = GetTimeAfterDistanceTraveled(
// Calculate the effective playrate that would result from advancing the animation by the distance traveled.
// // Account for the animation looping.
if (timeAfterDistanceTraveled < currentTime)
timeAfterDistanceTraveled += currentAssetLength;
float effectivePlayRate = (timeAfterDistanceTraveled - currentTime) / deltaTime;
outDesiredPlayRate = effectivePlayRate;
// Clamp the effective play rate.
if (playRateClamp.X >= 0.f && playRateClamp.X < playRateClamp.Y)
effectivePlayRate = FMath::Clamp(effectivePlayRate, playRateClamp.X, playRateClamp.Y);
// Advance animation time by the effective play rate.
float newTime = currentTime;
FAnimationRuntime::AdvanceTime(false, effectivePlayRate * deltaTime, newTime,
if (!inSequenceEvaluator.SetExplicitTime(newTime))
UE_LOG(LogOLSLocomotionLibrary, Warning,
"Could not set explicit time on sequence evaluator, value is not dynamic. Set it as Always Dynamic."
UE_LOG(LogOLSLocomotionLibrary, Warning, TEXT("Sequence evaluator does not have an anim sequence to play."));
UE_LOG(LogOLSLocomotionLibrary, Warning,
TEXT("AdvanceTimeByDistanceMatching called with invalid context"));
return sequenceEvaluator;
FSequenceEvaluatorReference UOLSLocomotionBPLibrary::DistanceMatchToTarget(const FAnimUpdateContext& updateContext,
const FSequenceEvaluatorReference& sequenceEvaluator,
float distanceToTarget,
bool shouldDistanceMatchStop,
float stopDistanceThreshHold,
float animEndTime,
FName curveName)
[updateContext,sequenceEvaluator,distanceToTarget, shouldDistanceMatchStop,stopDistanceThreshHold,animEndTime,
FAnimNode_SequenceEvaluator& inSequenceEvaluator)
if (const UAnimSequenceBase* animSequence = inSequenceEvaluator.GetSequence())
if (GetCurveValueAtTime(animSequence,
curveName) > stopDistanceThreshHold && !shouldDistanceMatchStop)
const float newTime = GetTimeAtCurveValue(animSequence, -distanceToTarget, curveName);
if (!inSequenceEvaluator.SetExplicitTime(newTime))
UE_LOG(LogOLSLocomotionLibrary, Warning,
"Could not set explicit time on sequence evaluator, value is not dynamic. Set it as Always Dynamic."
USequenceEvaluatorLibrary::AdvanceTime(updateContext, sequenceEvaluator, 1.0f);
if (animEndTime > 0)
const float desiredTime = FMath::Clamp(
USequenceEvaluatorLibrary::GetAccumulatedTime(sequenceEvaluator), 0, animEndTime);
USequenceEvaluatorLibrary::SetExplicitTime(sequenceEvaluator, desiredTime);
UE_LOG(LogOLSLocomotionLibrary, Warning,
TEXT("Sequence evaluator does not have an anim sequence to play."));
return sequenceEvaluator;
FSequencePlayerReference UOLSLocomotionBPLibrary::SetPlayRateToMatchSpeed(const FSequencePlayerReference& sequencePlayer,
float speedToMatch,
FVector2D playRateClamp)
[speedToMatch, playRateClamp](FAnimNode_SequencePlayer& sequencePlayer)
if (const UAnimSequence* animSequence = Cast<UAnimSequence>(sequencePlayer.GetSequence()))
const float animLength = animSequence->GetPlayLength();
if (!FMath::IsNearlyZero(animLength))
// Calculate the speed as: (distance traveled by the animation) / (length of the animation)
const FVector rootMotionTranslation = animSequence->ExtractRootMotionFromRange(0.0f, animLength).
const float rootMotionDistance = rootMotionTranslation.Size2D();
if (!FMath::IsNearlyZero(rootMotionDistance))
const float animationSpeed = rootMotionDistance / animLength;
float desiredPlayRate = speedToMatch / animationSpeed;
if (playRateClamp.X >= 0.0f && playRateClamp.X < playRateClamp.Y)
desiredPlayRate = FMath::Clamp(desiredPlayRate, playRateClamp.X, playRateClamp.Y);
if (!sequencePlayer.SetPlayRate(desiredPlayRate))
UE_LOG(LogOLSLocomotionLibrary, Warning,
"Could not set play rate on sequence player, value is not dynamic. Set it as Always Dynamic."
UE_LOG(LogOLSLocomotionLibrary, Warning,
TEXT("Unable to adjust playrate for animation with no root motion delta (%s)."),
UE_LOG(LogOLSLocomotionLibrary, Warning,
TEXT("Unable to adjust playrate for zero length animation (%s)."),
UE_LOG(LogOLSLocomotionLibrary, Warning,
TEXT("Sequence player does not have an anim sequence to play."));
return sequencePlayer;
FVector UOLSLocomotionBPLibrary::PredictGroundMovementStopLocation(const FVector& velocity,
bool shouldUseSeparateBrakingFriction,
float brakingFriction, float groundFriction,
float brakingFrictionFactor,
float brakingDecelerationWalking)
FVector predictedStopLocation = FVector::ZeroVector;
// Determine the actual braking friction
float actualBrakingFriction = shouldUseSeparateBrakingFriction ? brakingFriction : groundFriction;
actualBrakingFriction = FMath::Max(0.f, actualBrakingFriction * FMath::Max(0.f, brakingFrictionFactor));
// Calculate 2D velocity and speed
const FVector velocity2D = FVector(velocity.X, velocity.Y, 0.f);
const float speed2D = velocity2D.Size();
// Check if there's movement to stop
if (speed2D > 0.f)
// Calculate braking divisor
const float divisor = actualBrakingFriction * speed2D + FMath::Max(0.f, brakingDecelerationWalking);
// Check if stopping is possible
if (divisor > 0.f)
// Calculate time to stop
const float timeToStop = speed2D / divisor;
// Calculate predicted stop location
predictedStopLocation = velocity2D * timeToStop + 0.5f * ((-actualBrakingFriction) * velocity2D -
brakingDecelerationWalking * velocity2D.GetSafeNormal()) * FMath::Square(timeToStop);
return predictedStopLocation;
FVector UOLSLocomotionBPLibrary::PredictGroundMovementPivotLocation(const FVector& acceleration,
const FVector& velocity,
float groundFriction)
FVector predictedPivotLocation = FVector::ZeroVector;
const FVector acceleration2D = acceleration * FVector(1.f, 1.f, 0.f);
const float accelerationSize2D = acceleration2D.Size();
// Check if velocity is along the opposite direction of acceleration
if ((velocity | acceleration2D) < 0.0f)
const float speedAlongAcceleration = -(velocity | acceleration2D);
const float divisor = accelerationSize2D + 2.f * speedAlongAcceleration * groundFriction;
// Check if stopping is possible
if (divisor > 0.f)
const float timeToDirectionChange = speedAlongAcceleration / divisor;
// Calculate the acceleration force
const FVector accelerationForce = acceleration - (velocity - acceleration2D * velocity.Size2D()) * groundFriction;
// Calculate the predicted pivot location
predictedPivotLocation = velocity * timeToDirectionChange + 0.5f * accelerationForce * timeToDirectionChange * timeToDirectionChange;
return predictedPivotLocation;
// float UOLSLocomotionBPLibrary::RotationMatching(const float deltaTime, const float interpSpeed,
// const float animRotAlpha, const FVector& acceleration,
// const float targetAngle,
// FOLSRotationMatchingData& outRotationMatchingData,
// float& outTargetRotationYaw)
// {
// const float animDesiredRotation = FRotator::NormalizeAxis(targetAngle * animRotAlpha);
// const float currentAccelDir = acceleration.GetSafeNormal2D().Rotation().Yaw;
// outRotationMatchingData.CurrentAccelDir = FRotator::NormalizeAxis()
// const float desiredRotationChange = FRotator::NormalizeAxis(FMath::RInterpTo(
// FRotator{0.0f, 0.f, 0.0f},
// FRotator{0.0f, AnimDesiredRotation, 0.0f},
// DeltaTime, InterpSpeed).Yaw);
// }
EOLSCardinalDirection UOLSLocomotionBPLibrary::SelectCardinalDirectionFromAngle(float angle, EOLSCardinalDirection UOLSLocomotionBPLibrary::SelectCardinalDirectionFromAngle(float angle,
float deadZone, float deadZone,
EOLSCardinalDirection currentDirection, EOLSCardinalDirection currentDirection,

View File

@ -16,176 +16,6 @@ UCLASS()
class OLSANIMATION_API UOLSLocomotionBPLibrary : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary class OLSANIMATION_API UOLSLocomotionBPLibrary : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
{ {
public: // ~ Helpers ~ //
* Finds the time within an animation sequence when a character's root motion changes direction, commonly known as a "pivot."
* @param animSequence Pointer to the animation sequence being analyzed. The function extracts root motion data from this sequence.
* @param sampleRate The frequency (in Hz) at which the animation is sampled. Higher values increase accuracy but may impact performance.
* @return The time (in seconds) within the animation sequence when a pivot occurs. Returns 0 if no pivot is detected or the input is invalid.
* @note This function is useful for identifying key moments in animations where directional changes occur,
* such as during character turns or sharp movements, ensuring smooth transitions or special handling.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "OLS|Function Library", meta=(BlueprintThreadSafe))
static float FindPivotTime(const UAnimSequenceBase* animSequence, const float sampleRate);
* Retrieves the value of a specified curve at a given time within an animation sequence.
* @param animSequence Pointer to the animation sequence containing the curve data.
* @param time The time (in seconds) at which to evaluate the curve value.
* @param curveName The name of the curve to evaluate.
* @return The curve value at the specified time. Returns 0 if the curve is invalid or the time is out of range.
* @note The time is clamped to ensure it falls within the animation's playback range, and the function requires at least 2 sampled keys in the animation for curve evaluation.
static float GetCurveValueAtTime(const UAnimSequenceBase* animSequence, const float time, const FName& curveName);
* Retrieves the time within an animation sequence at which a specified curve reaches a given value.
* @param animSequence Pointer to the animation sequence containing the curve data.
* @param curveValue The target value to locate within the curve.
* @param curveName The name of the curve being evaluated.
* @return The interpolated time at which the curve reaches the specified value. Returns 0 if the curve is invalid or the value cannot be found.
* @note This function uses binary search to efficiently locate the curve value and linearly interpolates between keyframes for precision.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "OLS|Function Library", meta=(BlueprintThreadSafe))
static float GetTimeAtCurveValue(const UAnimSequenceBase* animSequence, const float& curveValue, FName curveName);
* Calculates the range of values for a specified animation curve within an animation sequence.
* @param animSequence Pointer to the animation sequence containing the curve. This sequence provides the curve data.
* @param curveName The name of the curve whose value range is to be calculated.
* @return The difference between the first and last values of the specified curve. Returns 0 if the curve is invalid or has insufficient data.
* @note This function is useful for determining the total change in a curve over the duration of an animation,
* which can be critical for understanding motion characteristics or driving procedural animations.
static float GetCurveValuesRange(const UAnimSequenceBase* animSequence, const FName& curveName);
* Advances the animation time from the current position to a new time, ensuring the root motion covers the specified distance traveled.
* @param animSequence Pointer to the animation sequence being evaluated. Contains the root motion and curve data.
* @param currentTime The current time within the animation sequence, serving as the starting point for advancement.
* @param distanceTraveled The desired distance to advance within the animation, calculated based on the root motion curve.
* @param curveName The name of the curve representing root motion distance in the animation sequence.
* @param shouldAllowLooping Specifies whether the animation should loop if the new time exceeds the sequence length.
* @return The new animation time after advancing the desired distance along the root motion curve.
* @note This function ensures that the visual progression of the animation matches the actual distance traveled,
* which is particularly useful for root motion-based locomotion systems.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "OLS|Function Library", meta=(BlueprintThreadSafe))
static float GetTimeAfterDistanceTraveled(const UAnimSequenceBase* animSequence,
float currentTime,
float distanceTraveled,
FName curveName,
const bool shouldAllowLooping);
* Advances the animation time based on the distance traveled, adjusting the play rate to synchronize the animation with movement.
* @param outDesiredPlayRate Output parameter that will contain the calculated play rate needed to match the distance traveled.
* @param updateContext Provides context for the current animation update, including delta time and other relevant information.
* @param sequenceEvaluator Reference to the sequence evaluator managing the current animation sequence.
* @param distanceTraveled The distance covered since the last frame. This value determines how much the animation time should advance.
* @param curveName The name of the curve used for distance matching. This curve defines how the animation corresponds to distance traveled.
* @param playRateClamp Optional parameter defining the minimum and maximum play rates. Clamps the effective play rate to prevent unrealistic values.
* Default value: FVector2D(0.75f, 1.25f).
* @return The updated sequence evaluator with the new animation state.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "OLS|Function Library", meta=(BlueprintThreadSafe))
static FSequenceEvaluatorReference AdvanceTimeByDistanceMatching(float& outDesiredPlayRate,
const FAnimUpdateContext& updateContext,
const FSequenceEvaluatorReference& sequenceEvaluator,
const float distanceTraveled,
const FName curveName,
const FVector2D playRateClamp = FVector2D(0.75f, 1.25f));
* Adjusts the playback time of an animation sequence to match a specified distance to a target.
* This function ensures that the animation sequence progresses or adjusts its time based on the distance to a target.
* It uses a distance curve to determine the appropriate time within the animation sequence that corresponds to the desired distance.
* @param updateContext The context for the current animation update, providing necessary time and state information.
* @param sequenceEvaluator A reference to the sequence evaluator, which controls and tracks the animation sequence being played.
* @param distanceToTarget The distance to the target that the animation should match.
* Typically, negative values indicate distance curves storing negative distance.
* @param shouldDistanceMatchStop If true, the distance matching stops once the character reaches the target or passes the threshold.
* @param stopDistanceThreshHold The distance threshold at which distance matching should stop.
* If the evaluated distance curve value exceeds this threshold, distance matching will halt.
* @param animEndTime The end time of the animation sequence. If greater than 0, the sequence will not advance past this time.
* @param curveName The name of the curve within the animation sequence that stores distance information.
* This curve is evaluated to determine the time corresponding to the distance to the target.
* @return An updated sequence evaluator reference, reflecting the adjusted or advanced animation time.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "OLS|Function Library", meta=(BlueprintThreadSafe))
static FSequenceEvaluatorReference DistanceMatchToTarget(const FAnimUpdateContext& updateContext,
const FSequenceEvaluatorReference& sequenceEvaluator,
float distanceToTarget,
bool shouldDistanceMatchStop, float stopDistanceThreshHold,
float animEndTime,
FName curveName);
* Set the play rate of the sequence player so that the speed of the animation matches in-game movement speed.
* While distance matching is commonly used for transition animations, cycle animations (walk, jog, etc) typically just adjust their play rate to match
* the in-game movement speed.
* This function assumes that the animation has a constant speed.
* @param sequencePlayer - The sequence player node to operate on.
* @param speedToMatch - The in-game movement speed to match. This is usually the current speed of the movement component.
* @param playRateClamp - A clamp on how much the animation's play rate can change to match the in-game movement speed. Set to (0,0) for no clamping.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "OLS|Function Library", meta=(BlueprintThreadSafe))
static FSequencePlayerReference SetPlayRateToMatchSpeed(const FSequencePlayerReference& sequencePlayer,
float speedToMatch, FVector2D playRateClamp = FVector2D(0.75f, 1.25f));
* Predict where the character will stop based on its current movement properties and parameters from the movement component.
* This uses prediction logic that is heavily tied to the UCharacterMovementComponent.
* Each parameter corresponds to a value from the UCharacterMovementComponent with the same name.
* Because this is a thread safe function, it's recommended to populate these fields via the Property Access system.
* @return The predicted stop position in local space to the character. The size of this vector will be the distance to the stop location.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, BlueprintPure, Category = "OLS|Function Library", meta=(BlueprintThreadSafe))
static FVector PredictGroundMovementStopLocation(const FVector& velocity, bool shouldUseSeparateBrakingFriction,
float brakingFriction, float groundFriction,
float brakingFrictionFactor, float brakingDecelerationWalking);
* Predict where the character will change direction during a pivot based on its current movement properties and parameters from the movement component.
* This uses prediction logic that is heavily tied to the UCharacterMovementComponent.
* Each parameter corresponds to a value from the UCharacterMovementComponent with the same name.
* Because this is a thread safe function, it's recommended to populate these fields via the Property Access system.
* @return The predicted pivot position in local space to the character. The size of this vector will be the distance to the pivot.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, BlueprintPure, Category = "OLS|Function Library", meta=(BlueprintThreadSafe))
static FVector PredictGroundMovementPivotLocation(const FVector& acceleration, const FVector& velocity,
float groundFriction);
// UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable,Category = "OLS|Function Library",meta=(BlueprintThreadSafe))
// static float RotationMatching(const float deltaTime, const float interpSpeed, const float animRotAlpha,
// const FVector& acceleration, const float targetAngle, UPARAM(ref) FOLSRotationMatchingData& outRotationMatchingData,
// UPARAM(ref) float& outTargetRotationYaw);
public: public: