Added OLSAssetManager, OLSExperienceManager, and OLSAssetManagerStartupJob

This commit is contained in:
LongLy 2025-01-07 22:30:09 -07:00
parent 0eb6d52ca8
commit 38ae567d20
13 changed files with 1229 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
// © 2024 Long Ly. All rights reserved. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of this trademark is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action.
#include "GameModes/OLSExperienceManager.h"
void UOLSExperienceManager::OnPlayInEditorBegun()
void UOLSExperienceManager::NotifyOfPluginActivation(const FString pluginURL)
if (GIsEditor)
UOLSExperienceManager* experienceManagerSubsystem = GEngine->GetEngineSubsystem<UOLSExperienceManager>();
// Track the number of requesters who activate this plugin. Multiple load/activation requests are always allowed because concurrent requests are handled.
int32& count = experienceManagerSubsystem->GameFeaturePluginRequestCountMap.FindOrAdd(pluginURL);
bool UOLSExperienceManager::RequestToDeactivatePlugin(const FString pluginURL)
if (GIsEditor)
UOLSExperienceManager* experienceManagerSubsystem = GEngine->GetEngineSubsystem<UOLSExperienceManager>();
// Only let the last requester to get this far deactivate the plugin
int32& count = experienceManagerSubsystem->GameFeaturePluginRequestCountMap.FindChecked(pluginURL);
if (count == 0)
return true;
return false;
return true;

View File

@ -3,3 +3,471 @@
#include "GameModes/OLSExperienceManagerComponent.h" #include "GameModes/OLSExperienceManagerComponent.h"
#include "GameFeatureAction.h"
#include "GameModes/OLSExperienceManager.h"
#include "GameFeaturesSubsystem.h"
#include "GameFeatureAction.h"
#include "GameFeaturesSubsystemSettings.h"
#include "TimerManager.h"
#include "DataAssets/OLSExperienceDefinitionPrimaryDataAsset.h"
#include "Net/UnrealNetwork.h"
#include "Systems/OLSAssetManager.h"
//@TODO: Async load the experience definition itself
//@TODO: Handle failures explicitly (go into a 'completed but failed' state rather than check()-ing)
//@TODO: Do the action phases at the appropriate times instead of all at once
//@TODO: Support deactivating an experience and do the unloading actions
//@TODO: Think about what deactivation/cleanup means for preloaded assets
//@TODO: Handle deactivating game features, right now we 'leak' them enabled
// (for a client moving from experience to experience we actually want to diff the requirements and only unload some, not unload everything for them to just be immediately reloaded)
//@TODO: Handle both built-in and URL-based plugins (search for colon?)
namespace OLSConsoleVariables
static float ExperienceLoadRandomDelayMin = 0.0f;
static FAutoConsoleVariableRef CVarExperienceLoadRandomDelayMin(
TEXT("This value (in seconds) will be added as a delay of load completion of the experience (along with the random value lyra.chaos.ExperienceDelayLoad.RandomSecs)"),
static float ExperienceLoadRandomDelayRange = 0.0f;
static FAutoConsoleVariableRef CVarExperienceLoadRandomDelayRange(
TEXT("A random amount of time between 0 and this value (in seconds) will be added as a delay of load completion of the experience (along with the fixed value lyra.chaos.ExperienceDelayLoad.MinSecs)"),
float GetExperienceLoadDelayDuration()
return FMath::Max(0.0f, ExperienceLoadRandomDelayMin + FMath::FRand() * ExperienceLoadRandomDelayRange);
UOLSExperienceManagerComponent::UOLSExperienceManagerComponent(const FObjectInitializer& objectInitializer) : Super(objectInitializer)
void UOLSExperienceManagerComponent::EndPlay(const EEndPlayReason::Type endPlayReason)
// deactivate any features this experience loaded
//@TODO: This should be handled FILO as well
for (const FString& PluginURL : GameFeaturePluginURLs)
if (UOLSExperienceManager::RequestToDeactivatePlugin(PluginURL))
//@TODO: Ensure proper handling of a partially-loaded state too
if (LoadState == EOLSExperienceLoadState::Loaded)
LoadState = EOLSExperienceLoadState::Deactivating;
// Make sure we won't complete the transition prematurely if someone registers as a pauser but fires immediately
NumExpectedPausers = INDEX_NONE;
NumObservedPausers = 0;
// Deactivate and unload the actions
FGameFeatureDeactivatingContext context(TEXT(""), [this](FStringView) { this->OnActionDeactivationCompleted(); });
const FWorldContext* existingWorldContext = GEngine->GetWorldContextFromWorld(GetWorld());
if (existingWorldContext)
auto DeactivateListOfActions = [&context](const TArray<UGameFeatureAction*>& ActionList)
for (UGameFeatureAction* Action : ActionList)
if (Action)
// @Todo implement this.
// for (const TObjectPtr<UOLSExperienceActionSet>& ActionSet : CurrentExperience->ActionSets)
// {
// if (ActionSet != nullptr)
// {
// DeactivateListOfActions(ActionSet->Actions);
// }
// }
NumExpectedPausers = context.GetNumPausers();
if (NumExpectedPausers > 0)
// @Todo replace this with our custom.
// UE_LOG(LogLyraExperience, Error, TEXT("Actions that have asynchronous deactivation aren't fully supported yet in Lyra experiences"));
if (NumExpectedPausers == NumObservedPausers)
void UOLSExperienceManagerComponent::GetLifetimeReplicatedProps(TArray<FLifetimeProperty>& OutLifetimeProps) const
DOREPLIFETIME(ThisClass, CurrentExperience);
bool UOLSExperienceManagerComponent::ShouldShowLoadingScreen(FString& outReason) const
if (LoadState != EOLSExperienceLoadState::Loaded)
outReason = TEXT("Experience still loading");
return true;
return false;
const UOLSExperienceDefinitionPrimaryDataAsset* UOLSExperienceManagerComponent::GetCurrentExperienceChecked() const
check(LoadState == EOLSExperienceLoadState::Loaded);
check(CurrentExperience != nullptr);
return CurrentExperience;
void UOLSExperienceManagerComponent::SetCurrentExperience(FPrimaryAssetId experienceId)
UOLSAssetManager& assetManager = UOLSAssetManager::Get();
FSoftObjectPath assetPath = assetManager.GetPrimaryAssetPath(experienceId);
TSubclassOf<UOLSExperienceDefinitionPrimaryDataAsset> assetClass = Cast<UClass>(assetPath.TryLoad());
const UOLSExperienceDefinitionPrimaryDataAsset* experience = GetDefault<UOLSExperienceDefinitionPrimaryDataAsset>(assetClass);
check(experience != nullptr);
check(CurrentExperience == nullptr);
CurrentExperience = experience;
bool UOLSExperienceManagerComponent::IsExperienceLoaded() const
return (LoadState == EOLSExperienceLoadState::Loaded) && (CurrentExperience != nullptr);
void UOLSExperienceManagerComponent::CallOrRegister_OnExperienceLoaded_HighPriority(
FOnOLSExperienceLoaded::FDelegate&& delegate)
if (IsExperienceLoaded())
void UOLSExperienceManagerComponent::CallOrRegister_OnExperienceLoaded(FOnOLSExperienceLoaded::FDelegate&& delegate)
if (IsExperienceLoaded())
void UOLSExperienceManagerComponent::CallOrRegister_OnExperienceLoaded_LowPriority(
FOnOLSExperienceLoaded::FDelegate&& delegate)
if (IsExperienceLoaded())
void UOLSExperienceManagerComponent::OnRep_CurrentExperience()
void UOLSExperienceManagerComponent::StartExperienceLoad()
check(CurrentExperience != nullptr);
check(LoadState == EOLSExperienceLoadState::Unloaded);
// @Todo replace this by custom log.
// UE_LOG(LogLyraExperience, Log, TEXT("EXPERIENCE: StartExperienceLoad(CurrentExperience = %s, %s)"),
// *CurrentExperience->GetPrimaryAssetId().ToString(),
// *GetClientServerContextString(this));
LoadState = EOLSExperienceLoadState::Loading;
UOLSAssetManager& assetManager = UOLSAssetManager::Get();
TSet<FPrimaryAssetId> bundleAssetList;
TSet<FSoftObjectPath> rawAssetList;
// @Todo implement this
// for (const TObjectPtr<ULyraExperienceActionSet>& ActionSet : CurrentExperience->ActionSets)
// {
// if (ActionSet != nullptr)
// {
// BundleAssetList.Add(ActionSet->GetPrimaryAssetId());
// }
// }
// Load assets associated with the experience
TArray<FName> bundlesToLoad;
//@TODO: Centralize this client/server stuff into the OLSAssetManager
const ENetMode ownerNetMode = GetOwner()->GetNetMode();
const bool shouldLoadClient = GIsEditor || (ownerNetMode != NM_DedicatedServer);
const bool shouldLoadServer = GIsEditor || (ownerNetMode != NM_Client);
if (shouldLoadClient)
if (shouldLoadServer)
TSharedPtr<FStreamableHandle> bundleLoadHandle = nullptr;
if (bundleAssetList.Num() > 0)
bundleLoadHandle = assetManager.ChangeBundleStateForPrimaryAssets(bundleAssetList.Array(), bundlesToLoad, {}, false, FStreamableDelegate(), FStreamableManager::AsyncLoadHighPriority);
TSharedPtr<FStreamableHandle> rawLoadHandle = nullptr;
if (rawAssetList.Num() > 0)
rawLoadHandle = assetManager.LoadAssetList(rawAssetList.Array(), FStreamableDelegate(), FStreamableManager::AsyncLoadHighPriority, TEXT("StartExperienceLoad()"));
// If both async loads are running, combine them
TSharedPtr<FStreamableHandle> handle = nullptr;
if (bundleLoadHandle.IsValid() && rawLoadHandle.IsValid())
handle = assetManager.GetStreamableManager().CreateCombinedHandle({ bundleLoadHandle, rawLoadHandle });
handle = bundleLoadHandle.IsValid() ? bundleLoadHandle : rawLoadHandle;
FStreamableDelegate onAssetsLoadedDelegate = FStreamableDelegate::CreateUObject(this, &ThisClass::OnExperienceLoadComplete);
if (!handle.IsValid() || handle->HasLoadCompleted())
// Assets were already loaded, call the delegate now
// This set of assets gets preloaded, but we don't block the start of the experience based on it
TSet<FPrimaryAssetId> preloadAssetList;
//@TODO: Determine assets to preload (but not blocking-ly)
if (preloadAssetList.Num() > 0)
assetManager.ChangeBundleStateForPrimaryAssets(preloadAssetList.Array(), bundlesToLoad, {});
void UOLSExperienceManagerComponent::OnExperienceLoadComplete()
check(LoadState == EOLSExperienceLoadState::Loading);
check(CurrentExperience != nullptr);
// @Todo replace this by our custom.
// UE_LOG(LogLyraExperience, Log, TEXT("EXPERIENCE: OnExperienceLoadComplete(CurrentExperience = %s, %s)"),
// *CurrentExperience->GetPrimaryAssetId().ToString(),
// *GetClientServerContextString(this));
// find the URLs for our GameFeaturePlugins - filtering out dupes and ones that don't have a valid mapping
auto collectGameFeaturePluginURLs = [This=this](const UPrimaryDataAsset* context, const TArray<FString>& featurePluginList)
for (const FString& pluginName : featurePluginList)
FString pluginURL;
if (UGameFeaturesSubsystem::Get().GetPluginURLByName(pluginName, /*out*/ pluginURL))
ensureMsgf(false, TEXT("OnExperienceLoadComplete failed to find plugin URL from PluginName %s for experience %s - fix data, ignoring for this run"), *pluginName, *context->GetPrimaryAssetId().ToString());
// // Add in our extra plugin
// if (!CurrentPlaylistData->GameFeaturePluginToActivateUntilDownloadedContentIsPresent.IsEmpty())
// {
// FString PluginURL;
// if (UGameFeaturesSubsystem::Get().GetPluginURLByName(CurrentPlaylistData->GameFeaturePluginToActivateUntilDownloadedContentIsPresent, PluginURL))
// {
// GameFeaturePluginURLs.AddUnique(PluginURL);
// }
// }
collectGameFeaturePluginURLs(CurrentExperience, CurrentExperience->GameFeaturesToEnable);
// @Todo implement this.
// for (const TObjectPtr<ULyraExperienceActionSet>& ActionSet : CurrentExperience->ActionSets)
// {
// if (ActionSet != nullptr)
// {
// CollectGameFeaturePluginURLs(ActionSet, ActionSet->GameFeaturesToEnable);
// }
// }
// Load and activate the features
NumGameFeaturePluginsLoading = GameFeaturePluginURLs.Num();
if (NumGameFeaturePluginsLoading > 0)
LoadState = EOLSExperienceLoadState::LoadingGameFeatures;
for (const FString& pluginURL : GameFeaturePluginURLs)
FGameFeaturePluginLoadComplete::CreateUObject(this, &ThisClass::OnGameFeaturePluginLoadComplete));
void UOLSExperienceManagerComponent::OnGameFeaturePluginLoadComplete(const UE::GameFeatures::FResult& result)
// decrement the number of plugins that are loading
if (NumGameFeaturePluginsLoading == 0)
void UOLSExperienceManagerComponent::OnExperienceFullLoadCompleted()
check(LoadState != EOLSExperienceLoadState::Loaded);
// Insert a random delay for testing (if configured)
if (LoadState != EOLSExperienceLoadState::LoadingChaosTestingDelay)
const float delaySecs = OLSConsoleVariables::GetExperienceLoadDelayDuration();
if (delaySecs > 0.0f)
FTimerHandle dummyHandle;
LoadState = EOLSExperienceLoadState::LoadingChaosTestingDelay;
GetWorld()->GetTimerManager().SetTimer(dummyHandle, this, &ThisClass::OnExperienceFullLoadCompleted, delaySecs, /*bLooping=*/ false);
LoadState = EOLSExperienceLoadState::ExecutingActions;
// Execute the actions
FGameFeatureActivatingContext context;
// Only apply to our specific world context if set
const FWorldContext* existingWorldContext = GEngine->GetWorldContextFromWorld(GetWorld());
if (existingWorldContext)
auto activateListOfActions = [&context](const TArray<UGameFeatureAction*>& actionList)
for (UGameFeatureAction* action : actionList)
if (action != nullptr)
//@TODO: The fact that these don't take a world are potentially problematic in client-server PIE
// The current behavior matches systems like gameplay tags where loading and registering apply to the entire process,
// but actually applying the results to actors is restricted to a specific world
// @Todo implement this
// for (const TObjectPtr<ULyraExperienceActionSet>& ActionSet : CurrentExperience->ActionSets)
// {
// if (ActionSet != nullptr)
// {
// activateListOfActions(ActionSet->Actions);
// }
// }
LoadState = EOLSExperienceLoadState::Loaded;
// Apply any necessary scalability settings
// @Todo implement this
// UOLSSettingsLocal::Get()->OnExperienceLoaded();
void UOLSExperienceManagerComponent::OnActionDeactivationCompleted()
if (NumObservedPausers == NumExpectedPausers)
void UOLSExperienceManagerComponent::OnAllActionsDeactivated()
//@TODO: We actually only deactivated and didn't fully unload...
LoadState = EOLSExperienceLoadState::Unloaded;
CurrentExperience = nullptr;
//@TODO: GEngine->ForceGarbageCollection(true);

View File

@ -4,13 +4,61 @@
#include "Player/OLSPlayerState.h" #include "Player/OLSPlayerState.h"
#include "AbilitySystem/OLSAbilitySystemComponent.h" #include "AbilitySystem/OLSAbilitySystemComponent.h"
#include "Components/GameFrameworkComponentManager.h"
#include "DataAssets/OLSAbilitySetPrimaryDataAsset.h"
#include "Net/UnrealNetwork.h"
#include "Player/OLSPlayerController.h" #include "Player/OLSPlayerController.h"
const FName AOLSPlayerState::NAME_OLSAbilityReady("OLSAbilitiesReady");
AOLSPlayerState::AOLSPlayerState(const FObjectInitializer& objectInitializer) : Super(objectInitializer) AOLSPlayerState::AOLSPlayerState(const FObjectInitializer& objectInitializer) : Super(objectInitializer)
{ {
// Create attribute sets here. // Create attribute sets here.
} }
template <class T>
const T* AOLSPlayerState::GetPawnData() const
return Cast<T>(PawnData);
void AOLSPlayerState::SetPawnData(const UOLSPawnPrimaryDataAsset* pawnData)
if (!HasAuthority())
if (PawnData)
// @Todo: replace this by our custom log.
// UE_LOG(LogLyra, Error, TEXT("Trying to set PawnData [%s] on player state [%s] that already has valid PawnData [%s]."), *GetNameSafe(InPawnData), *GetNameSafe(this), *GetNameSafe(PawnData));
for (const UOLSAbilitySetPrimaryDataAsset* abilityDataAsset : PawnData->AbilitySets)
if (abilityDataAsset)
abilityDataAsset->GiveToAbilitySystem(AbilitySystemComponent, nullptr);
UGameFrameworkComponentManager::SendGameFrameworkComponentExtensionEvent(this, NAME_OLSAbilityReady);
void AOLSPlayerState::OnRep_PawnData()
void AOLSPlayerState::PostInitializeComponents() void AOLSPlayerState::PostInitializeComponents()
{ {
Super::PostInitializeComponents(); Super::PostInitializeComponents();
@ -29,6 +77,16 @@ void AOLSPlayerState::PostInitializeComponents()
} }
} }
void AOLSPlayerState::GetLifetimeReplicatedProps(TArray<FLifetimeProperty>& OutLifetimeProps) const
FDoRepLifetimeParams SharedParams;
SharedParams.bIsPushBased = true;
DOREPLIFETIME_WITH_PARAMS_FAST(ThisClass, PawnData, SharedParams);
AOLSPlayerController* AOLSPlayerState::GetOLSPlayerController() const AOLSPlayerController* AOLSPlayerState::GetOLSPlayerController() const
{ {
return Cast<AOLSPlayerController>(GetOwner()); return Cast<AOLSPlayerController>(GetOwner());
@ -37,4 +95,4 @@ AOLSPlayerController* AOLSPlayerState::GetOLSPlayerController() const
UOLSAbilitySystemComponent* AOLSPlayerState::GetOLSAbilitySystemComponent() const UOLSAbilitySystemComponent* AOLSPlayerState::GetOLSAbilitySystemComponent() const
{ {
return AbilitySystemComponent; return AbilitySystemComponent;
} }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
// © 2024 Long Ly. All rights reserved. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of this trademark is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action.
#include "Systems/OLSAssetManager.h"
#include "Misc/App.h"
#include "Stats/StatsMisc.h"
#include "Misc/ScopedSlowTask.h"
#include "Engine/Engine.h"
#include "Systems/OLSAssetManagerStartupJob.h"
#include "DataAssets/OLSPawnPrimaryDataAsset.h"
const FName FOLSBundles::Equipped("Equipped");
static FAutoConsoleCommand CVarDumpLoadedAssets(
TEXT("Shows all assets that were loaded via the asset manager and are currently in memory."),
#define STARTUP_JOB_WEIGHTED(jobFunc, jobWeight) StartupJobs.Add(FOLSAssetManagerStartupJob(#jobFunc, [this](const FOLSAssetManagerStartupJob& startupJob, TSharedPtr<FStreamableHandle>& loadHandle){jobFunc;}, jobWeight))
#define STARTUP_JOB(jobFunc) STARTUP_JOB_WEIGHTED(jobFunc, 1.f)
DefaultPawnData = nullptr;
UOLSAssetManager& UOLSAssetManager::Get()
if (UOLSAssetManager* Singleton = Cast<UOLSAssetManager>(GEngine->AssetManager))
return *Singleton;
// @Todo replace this our custom log.
// UE_LOG(LogLyra, Fatal, TEXT("Invalid AssetManagerClassName in DefaultEngine.ini. It must be set to LyraAssetManager!"));
// Fatal error above prevents this from being called.
return *NewObject<UOLSAssetManager>();
template <typename AssetType>
AssetType* UOLSAssetManager::GetAsset(const TSoftObjectPtr<AssetType>& assetPointer, bool shouldKeepInMemory)
AssetType* loadedAsset = nullptr;
const FSoftObjectPath& assetPath = assetPointer.ToSoftObjectPath();
if (assetPath.IsValid())
loadedAsset = assetPointer.Get();
if (!loadedAsset)
loadedAsset = Cast<AssetType>(SynchronousLoadAsset(assetPath));
ensureAlwaysMsgf(loadedAsset, TEXT("Failed to load asset [%s]"), *assetPointer.ToString());
if (loadedAsset && shouldKeepInMemory)
// Added to loaded asset list.
return loadedAsset;
template <typename AssetType>
TSubclassOf<AssetType> UOLSAssetManager::GetSubclass(const TSoftClassPtr<AssetType>& assetPointer, bool shouldKeepInMemory)
TSubclassOf<AssetType> loadedSubclass = nullptr;
const FSoftObjectPath& assetPath = assetPointer.ToSoftObjectPath();
if (assetPath.IsValid())
loadedSubclass = assetPointer.Get();
if (!loadedSubclass)
loadedSubclass = Cast<UClass>(SynchronousLoadAsset(assetPath));
ensureAlwaysMsgf(loadedSubclass, TEXT("Failed to load asset class [%s]"), *assetPointer.ToString());
if (loadedSubclass && shouldKeepInMemory)
// Added to loaded asset list.
return loadedSubclass;
void UOLSAssetManager::DumpLoadedAssets()
const UOLSPawnPrimaryDataAsset* UOLSAssetManager::GetDefaultPawnData() const
return GetAsset(DefaultPawnData);
template <typename GameDataClass>
const GameDataClass& UOLSAssetManager::GetOrLoadTypedGameData(const TSoftObjectPtr<GameDataClass>& dataPath)
if (const TObjectPtr<UPrimaryDataAsset>* pResult = GameDataMap.Find(GameDataClass::StaticClass()))
return *CastChecked<GameDataClass>(*pResult);
// Does a blocking load if needed
return *CastChecked<const GameDataClass>(
LoadGameDataOfClass(GameDataClass::StaticClass(), dataPath, GameDataClass::StaticClass()->GetFName()));
UObject* UOLSAssetManager::SynchronousLoadAsset(const FSoftObjectPath& assetPath)
if (assetPath.IsValid())
TUniquePtr<FScopeLogTime> logTimePtr;
if (ShouldLogAssetLoads())
logTimePtr = MakeUnique<FScopeLogTime>(*FString::Printf(TEXT("Synchronously loaded asset [%s]"), *assetPath.ToString()), nullptr, FScopeLogTime::ScopeLog_Seconds);
if (UAssetManager::IsInitialized())
return UAssetManager::GetStreamableManager().LoadSynchronous(assetPath, false);
// Use LoadObject if asset manager isn't ready yet.
return assetPath.TryLoad();
return nullptr;
bool UOLSAssetManager::ShouldLogAssetLoads()
static bool shouldLogAssetLoads = FParse::Param(FCommandLine::Get(), TEXT("LogAssetLoads"));
return shouldLogAssetLoads;
void UOLSAssetManager::AddLoadedAsset(const UObject* Asset)
if (ensureAlways(Asset))
FScopeLock LoadedAssetsLock(&LoadedAssetsCritical);
void UOLSAssetManager::StartInitialLoading()
// This does all of the scanning, need to do this now even if loads are deferred
// Load base game data asset
// @Todo uncomment this after implementing GetGameData().
// STARTUP_JOB_WEIGHTED(GetGameData(), 25.f);
// Run all the queued up startup jobs
void UOLSAssetManager::PreBeginPIE(bool shouldStartSimulate)
FScopedSlowTask slowTask(0, NSLOCTEXT("OLSEditor", "BeginLoadingPIEData", "Loading PIE Data"));
const bool shouldShowCancelButton = false;
const bool shouldAllowInPIE = true;
slowTask.MakeDialog(shouldShowCancelButton, shouldAllowInPIE);
// @Todo unlock this comment.
// const ULyraGameData& LocalGameDataCommon = GetGameData();
// Intentionally after GetGameData to avoid counting GameData time in this timer
SCOPE_LOG_TIME_IN_SECONDS(TEXT("PreBeginPIE asset preloading complete"), nullptr);
// You could add preloading of anything else needed for the experience we'll be using here
// (e.g., by grabbing the default experience from the world settings + the experience override in developer settings)
UPrimaryDataAsset* UOLSAssetManager::LoadGameDataOfClass(
TSubclassOf<UPrimaryDataAsset> dataClass,
const TSoftObjectPtr<UPrimaryDataAsset>& dataClassPath,
FPrimaryAssetType primaryAssetType)
UPrimaryDataAsset* asset = nullptr;
if (!dataClassPath.IsNull())
FScopedSlowTask slowTask(0, FText::Format(NSLOCTEXT("OLSEditor", "BeginLoadingGameDataTask", "Loading GameData {0}"), FText::FromName(dataClass->GetFName())));
const bool shouldShowCancelButton = false;
const bool shouldAllowInPIE = true;
slowTask.MakeDialog(shouldShowCancelButton, shouldAllowInPIE);
// @Todo replace this log with our custom.
// UE_LOG(LogLyra, Log, TEXT("Loading GameData: %s ..."), *dataClassPath.ToString());
SCOPE_LOG_TIME_IN_SECONDS(TEXT(" ... GameData loaded!"), nullptr);
// This can be called recursively in the editor because it is called on demand from PostLoad so force a sync load for primary asset and async load the rest in that case
if (GIsEditor)
asset = dataClassPath.LoadSynchronous();
TSharedPtr<FStreamableHandle> handle = LoadPrimaryAssetsWithType(primaryAssetType);
if (handle.IsValid())
handle->WaitUntilComplete(0.0f, false);
// This should always work
asset = Cast<UPrimaryDataAsset>(handle->GetLoadedAsset());
if (asset)
GameDataMap.Add(dataClass, asset);
// It is not acceptable to fail to load any GameData asset. It will result in soft failures that are hard to diagnose.
// @Todo replace this log with our custom.
// UE_LOG(LogLyra, Fatal, TEXT("Failed to load GameData asset at %s. Type %s. This is not recoverable and likely means you do not have the correct data to run %s."), *dataClassPath.ToString(), *primaryAssetType.ToString(), FApp::GetProjectName());
return asset;
void UOLSAssetManager::DoAllStartupJobs()
const double AllStartupJobsStartTime = FPlatformTime::Seconds();
// if (IsRunningDedicatedServer())
// {
// // No need for periodic progress updates, just run the jobs
// for (const FLyraAssetManagerStartupJob& StartupJob : StartupJobs)
// {
// StartupJob.DoJob();
// }
// }
// else
// {
// if (StartupJobs.Num() > 0)
// {
// float TotalJobValue = 0.0f;
// for (const FLyraAssetManagerStartupJob& StartupJob : StartupJobs)
// {
// TotalJobValue += StartupJob.JobWeight;
// }
// float AccumulatedJobValue = 0.0f;
// for (FLyraAssetManagerStartupJob& StartupJob : StartupJobs)
// {
// const float JobValue = StartupJob.JobWeight;
// StartupJob.SubstepProgressDelegate.BindLambda([This = this, AccumulatedJobValue, JobValue, TotalJobValue](float NewProgress)
// {
// const float SubstepAdjustment = FMath::Clamp(NewProgress, 0.0f, 1.0f) * JobValue;
// const float OverallPercentWithSubstep = (AccumulatedJobValue + SubstepAdjustment) / TotalJobValue;
// This->UpdateInitialGameContentLoadPercent(OverallPercentWithSubstep);
// });
// StartupJob.DoJob();
// StartupJob.SubstepProgressDelegate.Unbind();
// AccumulatedJobValue += JobValue;
// UpdateInitialGameContentLoadPercent(AccumulatedJobValue / TotalJobValue);
// }
// }
// else
// {
// UpdateInitialGameContentLoadPercent(1.0f);
// }
// }
// StartupJobs.Empty();
// @Todo replace this with our custom log.
// UE_LOG(LogLyra, Display, TEXT("All startup jobs took %.2f seconds to complete"), FPlatformTime::Seconds() - AllStartupJobsStartTime);
void UOLSAssetManager::InitializeGameplayCueManager()
// ULyraGameplayCueManager* GCM = ULyraGameplayCueManager::Get();
// check(GCM);
// GCM->LoadAlwaysLoadedCues();
void UOLSAssetManager::UpdateInitialGameContentLoadPercent(float gameContentPercent)
// Could route this to the early startup loading screen

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
// © 2024 Long Ly. All rights reserved. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of this trademark is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action.
#include "Systems/OLSAssetManagerStartupJob.h"
TSharedPtr<FStreamableHandle> FOLSAssetManagerStartupJob::DoJob() const
const double jobStartTime = FPlatformTime::Seconds();
TSharedPtr<FStreamableHandle> handle;
// @Todo replace this with our custom log.
// UE_LOG(LogLyra, Display, TEXT("Startup job \"%s\" starting"), *JobName);
JobFunc(*this, handle);
if (handle.IsValid())
handle->BindUpdateDelegate(FStreamableUpdateDelegate::CreateRaw(this, &FOLSAssetManagerStartupJob::UpdateSubstepProgressFromStreamable));
handle->WaitUntilComplete(0.0f, false);
// @Todo replace this with our custom log.
// UE_LOG(LogLyra, Display, TEXT("Startup job \"%s\" took %.2f seconds to complete"), *JobName, FPlatformTime::Seconds() - jobStartTime);
return handle;
void FOLSAssetManagerStartupJob::UpdateSubstepProgress(float newProgress) const
void FOLSAssetManagerStartupJob::UpdateSubstepProgressFromStreamable(
TSharedRef<FStreamableHandle> streamableHandle) const
if (SubstepProgressDelegate.IsBound())
// StreamableHandle::GetProgress traverses() a large graph and is quite expensive
double now = FPlatformTime::Seconds();
if (LastUpdate - now > 1.0 / 60)
LastUpdate = now;

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ public:
#endif #endif
//~ End of UPrimaryDataAsset interface //~ End of UPrimaryDataAsset interface
protected: public:
// List of Game Feature Plugins this experience wants to have active // List of Game Feature Plugins this experience wants to have active
UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, Category = "OLSExperienceDefinition") UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, Category = "OLSExperienceDefinition")

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ public:
virtual FString GetIdentifierString() const override; virtual FString GetIdentifierString() const override;
//~ End UOLSPrimaryDataAsset interface //~ End UOLSPrimaryDataAsset interface
protected: public:
// Class to instantiate for this pawn (should usually derive from AOLSPawn or AOLSCharacter). // Class to instantiate for this pawn (should usually derive from AOLSPawn or AOLSCharacter).
UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "OLS|Pawn") UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "OLS|Pawn")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
// © 2024 Long Ly. All rights reserved. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of this trademark is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action.
#pragma once
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "Subsystems/EngineSubsystem.h"
#include "OLSExperienceManager.generated.h"
* Manager for experiences - primarily for arbitration between multiple PIE sessions
class UOLSExperienceManager : public UEngineSubsystem
OLS_API void OnPlayInEditorBegun();
static void NotifyOfPluginActivation(const FString pluginURL);
static bool RequestToDeactivatePlugin(const FString pluginURL);
static void NotifyOfPluginActivation(const FString pluginURL) {}
static bool RequestToDeactivatePlugin(const FString pluginURL) { return true; }
// The map of requests to active count for a given game feature plugin
// (to allow first in, last out activation management during PIE)
TMap<FString, int32> GameFeaturePluginRequestCountMap;

View File

@ -4,12 +4,12 @@
#include "CoreMinimal.h" #include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "Components/GameStateComponent.h" #include "Components/GameStateComponent.h"
// #include "LoadingProcessInterface.h" #include "LoadingProcessInterface.h"
#include "OLSExperienceManagerComponent.generated.h" #include "OLSExperienceManagerComponent.generated.h"
namespace UE::GameFeatures { struct FResult; } namespace UE::GameFeatures { struct FResult; }
// DECLARE_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_OneParam(FOnLyraExperienceLoaded, const ULyraExperienceDefinition* /*Experience*/); DECLARE_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_OneParam(FOnOLSExperienceLoaded, const class UOLSExperienceDefinitionPrimaryDataAsset* /*experience*/);
enum class EOLSExperienceLoadState enum class EOLSExperienceLoadState
{ {
@ -23,8 +23,87 @@ enum class EOLSExperienceLoadState
}; };
class OLS_API UOLSExperienceManagerComponent : public UGameStateComponent /*, public ILoadingProcessInterface */ class OLS_API UOLSExperienceManagerComponent : public UGameStateComponent, public ILoadingProcessInterface
{ {
UOLSExperienceManagerComponent(const FObjectInitializer& objectInitializer);
//~ Begin UActorComponent interface
virtual void EndPlay(const EEndPlayReason::Type endPlayReason) override;
virtual void GetLifetimeReplicatedProps(TArray<FLifetimeProperty>& OutLifetimeProps) const override;
//~ End UActorComponent interface
//~ Begin ILoadingProcessInterface interface
virtual bool ShouldShowLoadingScreen(FString& outReason) const override;
//~ End ILoadingProcessInterface
// This returns the current experience if it is fully loaded, asserting otherwise
// (i.e., if you called it too soon)
const UOLSExperienceDefinitionPrimaryDataAsset* GetCurrentExperienceChecked() const;
// Tries to set the current experience, either a UI or gameplay one
void SetCurrentExperience(FPrimaryAssetId experienceId);
// Returns true if the experience is fully loaded
bool IsExperienceLoaded() const;
// Ensures the delegate is called once the experience has been loaded,
// before others are called.
// However, if the experience has already loaded, calls the delegate immediately.
void CallOrRegister_OnExperienceLoaded_HighPriority(FOnOLSExperienceLoaded::FDelegate&& delegate);
// Ensures the delegate is called once the experience has been loaded
// If the experience has already loaded, calls the delegate immediately
void CallOrRegister_OnExperienceLoaded(FOnOLSExperienceLoaded::FDelegate&& delegate);
// Ensures the delegate is called once the experience has been loaded
// If the experience has already loaded, calls the delegate immediately
void CallOrRegister_OnExperienceLoaded_LowPriority(FOnOLSExperienceLoaded::FDelegate&& delegate);
void OnRep_CurrentExperience();
void StartExperienceLoad();
void OnExperienceLoadComplete();
void OnGameFeaturePluginLoadComplete(const UE::GameFeatures::FResult& result);
void OnExperienceFullLoadCompleted();
void OnActionDeactivationCompleted();
void OnAllActionsDeactivated();
UPROPERTY(ReplicatedUsing = OnRep_CurrentExperience)
TObjectPtr<const class UOLSExperienceDefinitionPrimaryDataAsset> CurrentExperience = nullptr;
EOLSExperienceLoadState LoadState = EOLSExperienceLoadState::Unloaded;
int32 NumGameFeaturePluginsLoading = 0;
TArray<FString> GameFeaturePluginURLs;
int32 NumObservedPausers = 0;
int32 NumExpectedPausers = 0;
* Delegate called when the experience has finished loading just before others
* (e.g., subsystems that set up for regular gameplay)
FOnOLSExperienceLoaded OnExperienceLoaded_HighPriority;
/** Delegate called when the experience has finished loading */
FOnOLSExperienceLoaded OnExperienceLoaded;
/** Delegate called when the experience has finished loading */
FOnOLSExperienceLoaded OnExperienceLoaded_LowPriority;
}; };

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include "ModularGameplayActors/OLSModularPlayerState.h" #include "ModularGameplayActors/OLSModularPlayerState.h"
#include "OLSPlayerState.generated.h" #include "OLSPlayerState.generated.h"
/** /**
* AOLSPlayerState * AOLSPlayerState
* *
@ -20,9 +21,11 @@ public:
AOLSPlayerState(const FObjectInitializer& objectInitializer); AOLSPlayerState(const FObjectInitializer& objectInitializer);
static const FName NAME_OLSAbilityReady;
//~ Begin AActor interface //~ Begin AActor interface
virtual void PostInitializeComponents() override; virtual void PostInitializeComponents() override;
virtual void GetLifetimeReplicatedProps(TArray<FLifetimeProperty>& OutLifetimeProps) const override;
//~ End AActor interface //~ End AActor interface
public: public:
@ -32,4 +35,19 @@ public:
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "OLS|PlayerState") UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "OLS|PlayerState")
class UOLSAbilitySystemComponent* GetOLSAbilitySystemComponent() const; class UOLSAbilitySystemComponent* GetOLSAbilitySystemComponent() const;
template <class T>
const T* GetPawnData() const;
void SetPawnData(const class UOLSPawnPrimaryDataAsset* pawnData);
void OnRep_PawnData();
UPROPERTY(ReplicatedUsing = OnRep_PawnData)
TObjectPtr<const class UOLSPawnPrimaryDataAsset> PawnData = nullptr;
}; };

View File

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
// © 2024 Long Ly. All rights reserved. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of this trademark is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action.
#pragma once
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "Engine/AssetManager.h"
#include "OLSAssetManager.generated.h"
struct FOLSBundles
static const FName Equipped;
* UOLSAssetManager
* Game implementation of the asset manager that overrides functionality and stores game-specific types.
* It is expected that most games will want to override AssetManager as it provides a good place for game-specific loading logic.
* Thi
UCLASS(Config = Game)
class OLS_API UOLSAssetManager : public UAssetManager
// Returns the AssetManager singleton object.
static UOLSAssetManager& Get();
// Returns the asset referenced by a TSoftObjectPtr. This will synchronously load the asset if it's not already loaded.
template<typename AssetType>
static AssetType* GetAsset(const TSoftObjectPtr<AssetType>& assetPointer, bool shouldKeepInMemory = true);
// Returns the subclass referenced by a TSoftClassPtr. This will synchronously load the asset if it's not already loaded.
template<typename AssetType>
static TSubclassOf<AssetType> GetSubclass(const TSoftClassPtr<AssetType>& assetPointer, bool shouldKeepInMemory = true);
// Logs all assets currently loaded and tracked by the asset manager.
static void DumpLoadedAssets();
// @Todo implement this function.
// const class UOLSPawnPrimaryDataAsset& GetGameData();
const class UOLSPawnPrimaryDataAsset* GetDefaultPawnData() const;
template <typename GameDataClass>
const GameDataClass& GetOrLoadTypedGameData(const TSoftObjectPtr<GameDataClass>& dataPath);
static UObject* SynchronousLoadAsset(const FSoftObjectPath& assetPath);
static bool ShouldLogAssetLoads();
// Thread safe way of adding a loaded asset to keep in memory.
void AddLoadedAsset(const UObject* Asset);
//~UAssetManager interface
virtual void StartInitialLoading() override;
virtual void PreBeginPIE(bool shouldStartSimulate) override;
//~End of UAssetManager interface
class UPrimaryDataAsset* LoadGameDataOfClass(
TSubclassOf<UPrimaryDataAsset> dataClass,
const TSoftObjectPtr<UPrimaryDataAsset>& dataClassPath,
FPrimaryAssetType primaryAssetType);
// Flushes the StartupJobs array. Processes all startup work.
void DoAllStartupJobs();
// Sets up the ability system
void InitializeGameplayCueManager();
// Called periodically during loads, could be used to feed the status to a loading screen
void UpdateInitialGameContentLoadPercent(float gameContentPercent);
// @Todo implement this.
// Global game data asset to use.
// UPROPERTY(Config)
// TSoftObjectPtr<ULyraGameData> LyraGameDataPath;
// Loaded version of the game data
TMap<TObjectPtr<UClass>, TObjectPtr<UPrimaryDataAsset>> GameDataMap;
// Pawn data used when spawning player pawns if there isn't one set on the player state.
TSoftObjectPtr<class UOLSPawnPrimaryDataAsset> DefaultPawnData;
// Assets loaded and tracked by the asset manager.
TSet<TObjectPtr<const UObject>> LoadedAssets;
// Used for a scope lock when modifying the list of load assets.
FCriticalSection LoadedAssetsCritical;
// The list of tasks to execute on startup. Used to track startup progress.
TArray<struct FOLSAssetManagerStartupJob> StartupJobs;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
// © 2024 Long Ly. All rights reserved. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of this trademark is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action.
#pragma once
#include "Engine/StreamableManager.h"
DECLARE_DELEGATE_OneParam(FOLSAssetManagerStartupJobSubstepProgress, float /*newProgress*/);
/** Handles reporting progress from streamable handles */
struct FOLSAssetManagerStartupJob
FOLSAssetManagerStartupJobSubstepProgress SubstepProgressDelegate;
TFunction<void(const FOLSAssetManagerStartupJob&, TSharedPtr<FStreamableHandle>&)> JobFunc;
FString JobName;
float JobWeight;
mutable double LastUpdate = 0;
/** Simple job that is all synchronous */
FOLSAssetManagerStartupJob(const FString& jobName, const TFunction<void(const FOLSAssetManagerStartupJob&, TSharedPtr<FStreamableHandle>&)>& jobFunc, float jobWeight)
: JobFunc(jobFunc)
, JobName(jobName)
, JobWeight(jobWeight)
/** Perform actual loading, will return a handle if it created one */
TSharedPtr<FStreamableHandle> DoJob() const;
void UpdateSubstepProgress(float newProgress) const;
void UpdateSubstepProgressFromStreamable(TSharedRef<FStreamableHandle> streamableHandle) const;

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ public class ols : ModuleRules
"GameFeatures", "GameFeatures",
"ModularGameplay", "ModularGameplay",
"EnhancedInput", "EnhancedInput",
"OLSAnimation", "AIModule", "OLSAnimation", "AIModule", "CommonLoadingScreen",
}); });
PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new[] PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new[]