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// © 2024 Long Ly. All rights reserved. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of this trademark is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action.
#pragma once
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "OLSGameFeatureAction_WorldActionBase.h"
#include "OLSGameFeatureAction_AddInputContextMapping.generated.h"
DECLARE_LOG_CATEGORY_EXTERN(LogOLSGameFA_AddInputContextMapping, Verbose, All);
struct FOLSInputMappingContextAndPriority
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category="Input", meta=(AssetBundles="Client,Server"))
TSoftObjectPtr<class UInputMappingContext> InputMapping;
// Higher priority input mappings will be prioritized over mappings with a lower priority.
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category="Input")
int32 Priority = 0;
/** If true, then this mapping context will be registered with the settings when this game feature action is registered. */
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category="Input")
uint8 bShouldRegisterWithSettings : 1 = true;
* Adds InputMappingContext to local players' EnhancedInput system.
* Expects that local players are set up to use the EnhancedInput system.
UCLASS(MinimalAPI, meta = (DisplayName = "Add Input Mapping"))
class UOLSGameFeatureAction_AddInputContextMapping : public UOLSGameFeatureAction_WorldActionBase
//~ Begin UGameFeatureAction interface
virtual void OnGameFeatureRegistering() override;
virtual void OnGameFeatureActivating(FGameFeatureActivatingContext& context) override;
virtual void OnGameFeatureDeactivating(FGameFeatureDeactivatingContext& context) override;
virtual void OnGameFeatureUnregistering() override;
//~ End UGameFeatureAction interface
//~ Begin UObject interface
virtual EDataValidationResult IsDataValid(class FDataValidationContext& context) const override;
//~ End UObject interface
/** Registers owned Input Mapping Contexts to the Input Registry Subsystem. Also binds onto the start of GameInstances and the adding/removal of Local Players. */
void RegisterInputMappingContexts();
/** Registers owned Input Mapping Contexts to the Input Registry Subsystem for a specified GameInstance. This also gets called by a GameInstance Start. */
void RegisterInputContextMappingsForGameInstance(class UGameInstance* gameInstance);
/** Registers owned Input Mapping Contexts to the Input Registry Subsystem for a specified Local Player. This also gets called when a Local Player is added. */
void RegisterInputMappingContextsForLocalPlayer(class ULocalPlayer* localPlayer);
/** Unregisters owned Input Mapping Contexts from the Input Registry Subsystem. Also unbinds from the start of GameInstances and the adding/removal of Local Players. */
void UnregisterInputMappingContexts();
/** Unregisters owned Input Mapping Contexts from the Input Registry Subsystem for a specified GameInstance. */
void UnregisterInputContextMappingsForGameInstance(class UGameInstance* gameInstance);
/** Unregisters owned Input Mapping Contexts from the Input Registry Subsystem for a specified Local Player. This also gets called when a Local Player is removed. */
void UnregisterInputMappingContextsForLocalPlayer(class ULocalPlayer* localPlayer);
//~UGameFeatureAction_WorldActionBase interface
virtual void AddToWorld(const FWorldContext& worldContext, const struct FGameFeatureStateChangeContext& changeContext) override;
//~End of UGameFeatureAction_WorldActionBase interface
struct FPerContextData
TArray<TSharedPtr<struct FComponentRequestHandle>> ExtensionRequestHandles;
TArray<TWeakObjectPtr<class APlayerController>> ControllersAddedTo;
void Reset(FPerContextData& activeData);
void HandleControllerExtension(class AActor* actor, FName eventName, struct FGameFeatureStateChangeContext changeContext);
void AddInputMappingForPlayer(class UPlayer* player, struct FPerContextData& activeData);
void RemoveInputMapping(class APlayerController* playerController, FPerContextData& activeData);
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category="Input")
TArray<FOLSInputMappingContextAndPriority> InputMappings;
TMap<struct FGameFeatureStateChangeContext, struct FPerContextData> ContextData;
/** Delegate for when the game instance is changed to register IMC's */
FDelegateHandle RegisterInputContextMappingsForGameInstanceHandle;